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Greetings and welcome {smile} This is a place to post and share friendship around the world. {{All}} are welcome.  Walk in Beauty always with love.... mermaid

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~splashing~ through {smile}

Hello dear friends {smile}

am just splashing through quickly at the moment as I have heard from dear {{diana}} and wanted to leave a little request for some extra {{healing}} for her as she has some serious health issues of her own at the moment, as well as dear {{Ed}}, so asking you to hold them in your thoughts and send out {{healing}} for them.

She has said that she will post in the board as soon as her own ~now~ permits.

I have just finished mowing the lawns and walking the dogs so am going to grab a cup of Earl Grey tea and a Hot Cross Bun and then help Paul make a fish pie for dinner. If I am not back later on then will write up a longer post in the morning my time.

Til then, leaving a {{{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter and sending out {{healing energies}} to {{all}} who need them. {smile}

with love always

Happy Easter {smile}

A ~splash through~ to leave a little ~something~ to celebrate Easter Sunday. {Smile}

May we all be blessed with the Spirit of Peace at this Holy time and always.

Re: ~splashing~ through {smile}

Hello dear friends {smile}

I thought I would make a start on a catch up as we are on the boat for the weekend and I have brought a separate keyboard to type with the laptop as I find it difficult to use the laptop keyboard (unless absolutely necessary!) {smile}

Anyway the weather is set to be dreadful today so a perfect opportunity to sit and write as we are not going any where due to high winds and rain. {smile} Today is Scarlett’s birthday so we are going to vist her this afternoon to take her present(s) and card.

I hope that everyone is well in their own nows although I am getting a little concerned that there has been no news from {{Elfina}} and {{Hathor}} please dear friend can you either leave a line here or send me a one liner email whenever you can. Til then am sending out come extra {{healing energies}}} for you.

{{Diana}} I know I owe you a response email so will do that over the weekend dear friend {Smile}

I will pop this post in for now as I do need to get organised with breakfast etc – it is strange not having the dogs around but I know they are being well cared for by Dorothy at home. {smile} Now having this keyboard here makes it easier (and faster for me) to type and also working with word as well so I can carry on a bit later.

In the meantime I do hope that everyone is well in their own ~nows~ and am leaving a {{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter….

With love always


Re more: ~splashing~ through {smile}

Hello dear friends {trying to smile}

I know I was going to do a catch up last weekend but a horrible toothache blew up and took over. I ended up spaced out on prescription painkillers and saw my dentist when we got back. The result was three wisdom teeth were taken out yesterday so my face is a tad swollen this morning.

I was woken again this morning with pain (albeit a different type of pain) so hopefully the healing process has started now that the offending teeth are out. I actually only needed two out straight away but dentist had said that another on on the right side would kick up so we took that out as well for good measure!

Have been living on soft boiled eggs and bananas and custard for the past couple of days so perhaps I will try a little soup today. Am also sending out thanks to the Universe for helping to get the appointment sorted out yesterday (as I had to go to a different dentist for the extraction(s) as I thought I might have had to be suffering more over the long weekend. Sending thanks also to dear {{Raphael}} as it wasn;t so painful yesterday after the surgery but it did kick in a bit this morning though has now eased a bit (thanks to the pain killers and anti inflammatories etc)

I do hope that {{all}} are well as we have now entered the month of May and will write more over the weekend with a catch up. Til then leaving a {{warm group hug}} to {{all}} who may enter and sending out some {{{healing energies}} to those who need them.

With love always

Just a little stop by to say Hi.

Mermaid, so sorry about the teeth issues...Wisdom teeth can be so painful to have pulled. Hope you are feeling better soon and that you don't have anymore teeth issues with them gone. I am having a few issues with cavities because I have developed sever dry mouth which has caused rapid tooth decay. My dentist is in NY so will wait to be back there and start all over with fillings. I hate the stuff I am supposed to use at night for this so have brought the problem on myself I think.

Pat has been released from the Dr. after his 2 knee replacements. He still has pain and still has the physical therapist and home nurse which will stop next week thankfully. He is not fully recovered but is on his way. We still are not sure when we leave for NY but I think around the middle of the month. I am not to excited about it because it is cold up north still. It is really hot down here now and the AC is on all the time.

I had a cortisone shot in my left knee the other day and it now is feeling wonderful I wish I had done this long ago as there is no more pain or limping when I walk...a great feeling. I have arthritis in both knees and my hands too.

Diana I have been reading about the VA hospital in Arizona and wondering if Ed was going to that one. It is a pity and a shame the way they are treating our veterans there. I hope Ed is getting the new treatments now and that he gets great results.

Scooter is still with us, he sleeps all the time during the day and wakes up at 5 for supper and a walk then sleeps again until around 3 at night for a little walk. As long as he is comfortable we will keep him with us. I can't think of losing him yet.

Kermit, Hope you and B2 are doing well keep in touch. Robyn hope all is well with you too and Hathor I am keeping you in my prayers for better days ahead.

I better go as I have a doctor appointment soon just for my yearly checkup..Bye for now.Have a happy day.

Re: Just a little stop by to say Hi.

Hi guys.

It is warming up some now. We have had cool/cold weather for the past week or more. It will be back to the 80's 90's very soon.

This new computer is special-to me. It is a lot faster than I'm used to and being able to use the keyboard on my lap has been good for me. There is a lot to learn with this 'puter. Being old, ya know, the ole brain functions not as well. Yep, ran into a grain of dirt that laughed at me and said I was older than it. Woo is me.

Mermaid, Boy, that's no fun. I too experienced a abscessed tooth and wow, I do understand the pain you talked about. Heal quickly my friend, wow three of them wow wow. I liked the e card you sent and joined the site but boy, having a hard time as it says the cookies aren't accepted and then when that was fixed they sent me back to send them more money. I'll get it straighten away in time but now I'm aggravated and will leave it be for a while. Bobbi is getting her pedicure/wash job. She enjoys visiting Joyce as Joyce is now a friend and there are doggies for her to play with. Hope the pain is all gone by now. Hi to Paul. ENJOY {{{HUGS}}}

Elfina, boy, the north has been hit hard. Bet you were very happy in Florida this year. Hopefully Pat will be all healed soon and that you do not experience tooth pain while waiting to get to your dentist. Scooter will be around for a while yet. Sleeping lot is revitalizing him so he can be happy with you and Pat. ENJOY {{{HUGS}}}

Diana, I too was wondering how ED made out with the VA. My neighbor, Roger, goes to the VA in Albuquerque and he is quite happy with them. I hope and pray you guys are well and ENOYING the AZ warmth. Please let us know how all is going along. LOVE YOUSE GUYS {{{HUGS}}}

HAthor, miss ya DAAAARLING. ENJOY! {{{HUGS}}}

Robynne, think of ya often buddy. Enjoying your fall down under. Beautiful time of the year. {{{HUGS}}}

Love all guys, it is frustrating trying to get everything straight. I have found that I no longer love change. There was a time I did but now, too old, don't need or want change. Oh well, evolution of ones self is constant isn't it. I LOVE ALL MY FRIENDS HERE, ENJOY EVERYBODY. B2 here. Life moves on. I try to keep him here with all life has asked him to change but he is stubborn as a mule but I wag my stub of a tail and he gives in. hehehe

LIGHT, LOVE AND PEACE, Kermit and Friends + B2. B2 here again. Just want to let you all know I love ya bunches and send {{{LOADS O HEALING PAWSEY HUGS AND LOTS O LICKY LICKS}}}

Hoping All are Well

Hello Everybody.

Very sorry for my lack of contact, but life's had a way of taking over recently, but more on that later. First of all,

Mermaid, was sorry to hear about your tooth, I know how painful that can be and it's quite unlike any other pain in that not much seems to help it. I have found that a teabag steeped in hot water for a minute then placed on the affected area works a treat! It draws out the poisons in there which is what causes the inflammation around the nerve. I also dose up on garlic tablets and cranberry capsules as they work in conjunction as a natural antibiotic. Hoping you're feeling better sweetie.

Elfina, glad that Pat made it through his surgery ok and is on the mend, though I imagine it's not an easy go of it for both of you to make the adjustments that have been needed during the recovery process. Hoping you're able to take some time or yourself as well to rest up and enjoy your Spring.

Kermit my friend, am glad to hear you've gotten mostly past your own illness and are on the path of recovery. We've had warmer than usual temps here in AZ though there was a nice little cool down into the upper 70s the last couple of days that helped break up the 90+ temps we were having. The nights are still reasonable, however, at the 70+ mark, but once the overnight temps are in the upper 90s and lower 100s, that's when I avoid going outside like the plague {laughing}

Hathor, sending out healing waves to you and hoping you're doing as well as can be expected.

Robynne, thinking of you and hoping you and the kids are doing ok.

Ed is undergoing treatment and has thus far responded better than we'd feared to the chemo. Today is his first blood draw to determine how well the treatment is working, so keeping our fingers crossed. Yes, it's been a dreadful thing that's happened with the VA, such a travesty that they've treated the men and women that selflessly served their country and put their lives on the line to defend this country! Some have even died waiting for a doctor, absolutely a travesty! We've commented for years about the deplorable conditions at the hospital, and now, it's all come out thanks to a brave few doctors. Ed's last truly good P.C.P. left in disgust with the conditions two years ago, and he's been shuffled to two doctors who likewise left since then, and now, he hasn't even got a P.C.P.! We are fortunate that he has such an amazing specialist though, and that the individual overseeing his treatment is also a good doctor, else I'd be raising hell down there. They simply aren't hiring enough doctors to fill all of the vacancies left by those departing, but am trusting in the Universe that he will continue to receive the care he needs through this all, along with all of those Veterans that need medical treatment. One thing is for certain, heads will roll with all that's come out, and the Vets will get better care than they've had for years once this is all sorted and sifted through.

My own medical has been touch and go lately, and I won't go into full details at the moment, but I've recently been diagnosed with chronic respiratory failure and a mitral heart valve condition. The first is a result from the embolism I had a couple years back which caused scarring of the lungs, the second is part of a valve disease the origin of which they're not certain. Luckily, the valve can be replaced eventually if it's determined I'm "safe" for surgery, but there's not a whole lot can be done about the respiratory failure. Lung transplant is a possibility sometime down the road, but for now, just focused on quality of life and enjoying whatever time Ed and I have together, as none of us know for sure how long we have signed up for this path, do we? {smile}

Okies, off for now (at the VA with Ed as I write this). Hoping you are all doing well in your own lives and sending love to each of you and healing thoughts to those in need.

In love and light,

Re: Hoping All are Well

Hello dear friends {smile}

at least I can smile again now after the past few weeks {chuckle}

We are now on the boat for the coming week and Ihave the laptop all set up in the study cabin with a separate keyboard for ease of typing so I can write up a nice long catch up post. I can't believe how fast the time has gone even with the teeth problem. It is all finally healing up now thank goodness though I can still feel the stitches. Paul couldn;t believe it when I said to the dentist "just take out the three and get it over and done with erather than one at a time". At least the acute pain stopped from the actual toothache but the healing process has taken much longer than I thought it would.

I had to spend three days last week catching up on work stuff that needed doing because of my being space out on the piankillers - so hopefully with having a week on board then a chance for some me time. (which also means being able to catch up in here).

The weather is dreadful at the moment and will be until the middle of the week but at least it is a break and a chance to catch up on jobs that needed doing on the boat. We could only get this week organised with housesitter so it had to be this one. I need to go back and read through the posts before I can respond but I thought I should pop a line in just to say am still in the land of the living so as to speak.

I hope all are well and will be back again soon... til then leaving a {{{warm group hug}}}} to {{all}} who may enter...

with love always

Re: Hoping All are Well

Hello dear friends

I have just tried to post a long post and I keep getting a message saying the information I am posting contains spam! Just testing to see if this one takes.

much love always

Re: Hoping All are Well

OK I have had three attempts to copy/paste from my word document and failed so am going to have to give up for now.

I am wondering if it is because I am copying from a word document so am just going to try again as am typing it "live" into the message box. If anyone else is having problems and getting a message saying that it contains spam and won;t allow it can you please email me?

Will try again later....

love always

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