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Greetings and welcome {smile} This is a place to post and share friendship around the world. {{All}} are welcome.  Walk in Beauty always with love.... mermaid

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Re: For Healing Energies and Thoughts

Hi Everyone

Have Greg home safe and sound, he passed the treadmill test, and is settling in nicely.

Liz: Paul's message was received with the intent it was given, and Greg totally understood the language *grin*

We know those energies work, as Greg had an experience while he was in hospital of vivid purple lights coming down the hallway, through the ceiling and then gathering and hovering above his head for a while, and then dispersing into the room. He said it was a very cool experience.
Added to that, the medical staff have been very surprised at how well he has done, and the very minor damage done to his heart after the attack.

Thanks again to everyone!

Re: For Healing Energies and Thoughts

{{{robynne}}} aww that is such good news and so glad that {{greg}} is home again! {Smile} Nice to see there was some tangibles on the energies front and sitting here sending out some more {{healing energies}} for the continued safe recovery {smile}

Heading off to Neptune land myself now and leaving a {{warm hug}} for you both...

much love always

Re: For Healing Energies and Thoughts

Just splashing through to ask you all to hold {{Jacqui and Carl Webb}} in your thoughts. They both run the Orwell Lady and Jacqui has been diagnosed this week with a large malignant tumour on her ovaries. She started a massive dose of chemotherapy on Friday and will have to have another three hits before they can find out if they can operate on her so any energies you can send I am sure will be greatly appreciated. {smile}

They are both lovely people and although she is only 43, she is a Scorpio and very much a fighter so am sending out {{healing and positive energies}} to her as I write this message here.

Thank you dear friends in advance as we all know that the power of energies works and as you read here then I know they will be being sent out {smile}

til later

love always

Re: For Healing Energies and Thoughts

Hello dear friends {Smile}

Am asking you to hold my dear brother in law {{Bob}} in your thoughts. He went into hospital last week for a standard procedure which has now turned horribly awful. They found two tumours in his gut (turned out to be polyps) and when removing them have perforated the gut. He has been in intensive care and my poor sister in law (Pauls' sister) has been beside herself with worry though she is being positive around Bob in hospital. They still haven't been able to locate the perforation so two requests here {Smile}

1. that they are able to find and close the perforation.

2. sending {{healing energies}} to {{bob and Penny}}} at this difficult time.

I know that as you read here the thoughts will turn into energies for our minds are a powerful healing tool.

Thank you dear friends and sending out {{{healing energies}} to {{bob}} as I write before getting ready to start my day.

much love always

Re: For Healing Energies and Thoughts

They sure have our-Bobbi and me-PRAYERS AND THOUGHTS!

Re: For Healing Energies and Thoughts

Sending healing energies to Bob that they find the solution to his problem very soon so that he will be completely healed. Sending soothing energies to Penny to help her through this rough time. It is always a worry to have our loved ones in hospital. May all be well.***********

Re: For Healing Energies and Thoughts

Sending healing prayers to Bob that they find the perforation and mend it quickly.

much love Maggy

Re: For Healing Energies and Thoughts

Hello dear friends {smile}

Thank you so much for holding {{bob}} in your thoughts. He is still in hospital as they haven’t been able to get it sorted and under control though at least he is able to eat some yoghurt rather than just being on a drip now. Your thoughts and energies have beenhelping enormously and Penny asked me to pass on her thanks to you {{all}} – bless you!

{{{elfina, kermit and Maggy}} thank you for taking the time to leave a post. {{{hugs}}}

If you could keep up the good work I know your energies are much appreciated and they are helping as well. Thank you again. {{{hugs}} and sending out more {{{healing energies}}} as I sit and write here {Smile}

Much love always


Re: For Healing Energies and Thoughts

Stopping by to add a new dose of Healing Energies for Pauls brother in law. **************** I hope there is some improvement happening.

Re: For Healing Energies and Thoughts

Hi Mermaid,

Our prayers and healing thoughts are with Bob and Penny always.

I haven't heard about Jacqui, how is she doing? Wow, at 43, she is so young. Healing thoughts and energy to her also.

LIGHT, LOVE & PEACE; Kermit and Friends. Bom Bobbi here. Sending my special {{{HEALING AND LOVING HUGS TO OUR FRIENDS WITH LICKY LICKS QUICKY HEALING. ;-)}}}

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